Ahyeon from BABYMONTER Faces Racism Controversy Ahead of Debut, YG Entertainment Urged to Resolve the Case.

LIATHARGA.MY.ID – This morning, Twitter was abuzz with a video clip of Ahyeon BABYMONSTER’s performance at Hanlim Multi Arts School. Ahyeon sang a song titled “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj. Ahyeon showcased great rap skills but it was mentioned that the N-word slur in the song’s lyrics was not censored.

Previously, it was reported that Nicki Minaj, a black singer who wrote and sang “Feeling Myself,” covered by Ahyeon BABYMONSTER, was deemed acceptable by the public. The public perceived that as a black singer, it was okay for Nicki Minaj to use the N-word slur.

However, Ahyeon herself is a white individual, and it is important for her to eliminate the N-word slur from the lyrics or replace it with other words.

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The N-word slur refers to derogatory terms used against the black community, and it is also said that the American public is sensitive to issues like this.

Following this news, a BABYMONSTER fan account sent an open letter to YG Entertainment. In the letter, the fans’ representative, on behalf of BABYMONSTER’s fans, expressed concerns about Ahyeon’s performance.

“While performing Nicki Minaj’s ‘Feeling Myself,’ Ahyeon uttered the N-word slur, which hurt the community. As a fan base of BABYMONSTER, we urge YG Entertainment to address this issue promptly and take appropriate action,” they wrote.

They stated that they understood that artists might unintentionally make mistakes, but it was crucial for YG Entertainment to recognize the impact of Ahyeon’s actions on the “marginalized” community. “The use of racial slurs will perpetuate dangerous stereotypes and undermine efforts for understanding,” they added.

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The letter also requested YG Entertainment, as the agency representing Ahyeon, to investigate the incident as a whole and take necessary steps to rectify the situation that has already gained attention.

“Furthermore, we believe that Ahyeon should apologize to the black community and acknowledge the offense caused by her actions,” they further emphasized.

According to the fans, a sincere apology would demonstrate Ahyeon’s willingness to understand and provide an opportunity for personal growth.

“We hope that Ahyeon will reflect on her actions and learn about cultural sensitivity,” they said.

Open Letter from BABYMONSTER Fanbase to YG Entertainment Regarding the Racist Controversy Involving Ahyeon (Photo/Twitter: @BABYMONGLOBAL/@BABYMON_AHYEON)

The letter also urged YG Entertainment to implement sensitivity and cultural diversity training for their artists, including BABYMONSTER.

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They argued that such training would help educate young artists like Ahyeon and her seniors about different cultures in the world.

“We look forward to the agency’s response and appropriate actions for the current situation,” they concluded.

The open letter from the BABYMONSTER fanbase also stated that they remained committed to supporting BABYMONSTER while upholding respect among all existing communities.